William Tolan

Rank: Private

Company: G

Muster-in Date: 09/16/1861

Muster-out Date: 07/31/1862

Place of Birth: Huntington County, Pennsylvania, USA

Date of Birth: Abt. 1820

Place of Death: Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA

Date of Death: 08/25/1865

Place of Burial: Garland Brook Cemetery, Columbus, Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA

Additional Information: 1860 Bartholomew County, Indiana census, listed as William Toland, age 28, born Pennsylvania, teamster, wife Martha, children Charles, I.A., Richard and Viola; 1850 Bartholomew County, Indiana census, Columbus, listed as William Tolan, age 30, born Pennsylvania, clerk, wife Welthy J., child Charles E.

William Tolan’s FindaGrave memorial