Rank: Private
Company: K
Muster-in Date: 03/14/1862
Muster-out Date: 03/27/1865
Place of Birth: Gettysburg, Preble County, Ohio, USA
Date of Birth: 02/21/1836
Place of Death: New Paris, Preble County, Ohio, USA
Date of Death: 02/27/1889
Place of Burial: Springlawn Cemetery, Preble County, Ohio, USA
Additional Materials: Widow Sarah A. McKee filed for pension on 04/12/1889 from Ohio and it was granted – soldier listed as Robert J. McKee
Sarah A. McKee married Richard S. Fisher in Preble County 06/17/1897. She died 02/26/1901. Richard Fisher died 12/17/1910 and is buried at Greenlawn Cemetery in Quaker City, Guernsey County, OH. No record of Robert or Sarah McKee Fisher’s burial at Springlawn Cemetery.
Tombstone inscription shows “R.T McKee, born 02/21/1836, died 02/27/1889, age 53 years & 6 days.”