Rank: Private
Company: H
Muster-in-Date: 05/20/1863
Place of Birth: Indiana or New York, USA
Date of Birth: 11/02/1845 or abt. 1840
Place of Death: Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Montana, USA
Date of Death: 03/31/1929
Place of Burial: Montana Veterans Home Cemetery, Columbia Falls, Flathead County, Montana, USA
Additional Materials: John Fisher’s FindaGrave memorial
Mustered into Co. E, 85th Indiana Infantry and transferred to Co. H, 33rd Indiana Infantry on 06/01/1865.
Mustered into Co. F, 54th Indiana Infantry (3 months service) on 06/18/1862.
Montana death record, census records and Indiana muster cards have conflicting information about date of birth, but it appears to be closer to 1845.