John Muherter

Rank: Private

Company: G

Muster-in Date: 09/16/1861

Muster-out Date: 06/29/1864

Place of Birth: Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USA

Date of Birth: Abt. 1820

Place of Death: Kennesaw Mountain, Cobb County, Georgia, USA

Date of Death: 06/29/1864 (KIA)

Place of Burial: Rest Haven Cemetery, Edinburgh, Johnson County, Indiana, USA

Additional Materials: John Muherter’s FindaGrave memorial

CSMR states he was discharged for disability on 10/23/1862.  Name also spelled “Mewherter.”

Appears on the draft registration record (Ancestry), August/1863, in Johnson County, Blue River Twp, 33rd Indiana, born in Ohio, not married, name spelled “Muhurtur.”

No pension record