John Hardin

Rank: Private

Company: F

Muster-in Date: 09/16/1861

Muster-out Date: 09/19/1864

Place of Birth: Ohio, USA

Date of Birth: Abt. 1833

Place of Death: Ramsey, Fayette County, Illinois, USA

Date of Death: 06/04/1889

Place of Burial:

Additional Materials: Married Sarah Merkin 04/08/1875 in Fayette County, Indiana; she married Alexander E. Rhodes 12/08/1889 in Fayette County; Sarah Isabelle Rhodes died 12/05/1923 and is buried at Casey Cemetery; John Hardin appears in 1880 census living in Bowling Green, Fayette County, Illinois, age 47, born Ohio, farmer, wife Sarah, age 23, daughter Della M., age 4, & son John Rolla, age 2.