Rank: Private
Company: G
Muster-in Date: 09/05/1862
Muster-out Date: 10/30/1863
Place of Birth: Ohio County, West Virginia, USA
Date of Birth: Abt. 1829
Place of Death:
Date of Death: 02/03/1874
Place of Burial: Maple Dale Cemetery, Olney, Richland County, Illinois, USA
Additional Materials: James Wayt’s FindaGrave memorial
Widow Sarah A. Wayt filed for pension 06/22/1880 (not granted) and soldier filed for pension 11/23/1869 (granted); 1860 Jackson County, Indiana census, listed as James Wayt, age 31, born Ohio, farmer, Salt Creek Township, Freetown, wife Sarah Ann, children Laura Adeline, Margaret C., and Sarah E.; 1850 Belmont County, Ohio census, listed as James Weight, age 21, born Ohio, son of Joseph and Margrett Weight; brother of Napoleon and Addison Wayt, also Company G, 33rd Indiana Infantry